Me and my hero painter Georges Rouault. This print is part of his Misere series published in 1948 and titled “Take refuge in your heart, poor wanderer”(plate 4).
My family and me, winter 2021. We love museum-ing, going to the beach, dancing at concerts, driving with the music loud, laughing and playing games, hanging out with friends, and eating cheese and chocolate. We have a soft spot for Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Marvel movies, deep discussions, and Foyle’s War an other British murder mysteries.
Christmas 2020, Carey hired Vanessa Shenk to take professional photos and videos of us hanging out and enjoying each other. It was a perfect way to capture what our good times look like. (And the music makes me teary eyed…)
So at the end of this day, we give thanks
For being betrothed to the unknown
And for the secret work
Through which the mind of the day
And wisdom of the soul become one.
John O’Donahue